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01 December, 2012

Random photos

HaPpY SatUrDaY!!
oh....don't you just feel like giving people who type like that a smack across the face?
haha. here are some random photos I found on my computer:

Despite having accidently lost his glasses, I found a good use for my Harry figurine.

 This is where I spend most all of my time.
I'm trying to learn "tennesse" from the movie Pearl Harbor.
The score I found online was so.....not fun?
so I decided to stick to learning by ear.

 This is a note Sarah left in my bag (without me knowing)
I came home, found the note, laughed, showed it to my parents and stuck it on the wall next to my time table.
I love how you wrote angel in capital letters.

This is Katrina. short-cutted into "Mina".
Mum thought of the name because she was born in 2005,
which for those who didn't know, was when Hurricane Katrina happened.

When I first got her,
I looked down at her and thought, "you look dirty, like mud.. or clay."
then I thought of that French piano player that my mum had a crush on when she was a teen,
Richard Clayderman.
hmmm....who else is from France?.....
we love our bread, we love our butter BUT MOST OF ALL WE LOVE EACH OTHER!

I personally call her poop.
because she likes to poop
and she kinda looks like poop too.

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