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12 August, 2011

Life tales: Red hair

This happpened in 2010. Exactly one year ago.
This post emphasizes on Qistina and Natasha's behaviour.
people involved: Me, Shairah Mazli, Syafiqah Mazli,
Qistina Iwani and Natasha Amira.

We went for an outing at Sunway Pyramid to shop and watch Toy Story 3.
After the movie, we ate at Sushi King and visited other places.
The main latar empat of this story is:

'Pet Lovers Centre'

I was there to shop for my pet Sugar Gliders, Honey and Manuel.
I was looking at some acacia gum and wombaroo milk powder.
(I'm not surprised if you don't know what those are)
So anyway, because I was just 'new' to the world of Sugar Gliders,
I was pretty baffled at what I was supposed to buy.

Then comes the hero, the sales assistant.
He was probably 18-19years old
Yes, he was like, 5 years older then me...
so what ;)

His hair was partially red
(Different from the picture of Charlie McDonnell you see in the photograph above)
When he smiled, there were wrinkles under his eyes :)
And honestly, HONESTLY, he was cute.....

hey, Qistina and Natasha agred too..

We started to talk.
Wait, before that, because his hair was red,
I thought he was chinese so I talked to him in English.

Him: Yes, what are you looking for?
Me: uhhhh, I....I have two sugar gliders and blablablabla
Him: Oh, I have sugar gliders too. I have 4 of them.
Me: Really? oh cool (at this point, I didn't know what else to say. well, WHAT was I supposed to say?)

Then, as I usually do after talking to guys, I walk away. never looking back.
haha, I've actually done this to Hariz before. dia tak habis cakap but I ran away to buang sampah.
I walked to the next isle where I met the rest of the group.
I told Qistina and Natasha about the guy and as usual, they were interested.

Behind them, I saw him again.
I smiled at him and he came to us.
When he reached us, he only talked to me
 as if Qistina and Natasha were never there :)

Him: So, how many sugar gliders do you have?
Me: (not looking at him) two. One male, one female.
Him: Are you still learning?
Me: (still not looking at him) yeah. Sekolah Menengah.

we then spoke about other stuff.
I'm not writing about what. No Way.

In the corner of my eye, Qistina and Natasha sedang memberi 'renungan tajam'
They were just watching us talk like they wanted to say something.
In Shairah's words: "Dayumm boy, you fine!"

All I can say is, He is a good employee which assists customer when they need help.

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