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06 February, 2012


Stadium Malawati Shah Alam.
Sambutan Maulidur Rasul peringkat Selangor
kitorang dapat no.3.

I remember in 2010
In bulan Ramadhan, I had to do a tazkirah.
But I freaked out and didn't do it in the end because I was too nervous of speaking infront of the whole sesi petang.
Now that I look back, I realise how stupid I was for not doing it.
Pahala punya banyak kau boleh dapat, tapi tak nak ambil. haihh..

Now, hereI am sharing this video about Couple vs kahwin.
Pause music over there -->

*Comes out from behind bushes "Wahai Fatimah..."

Ok, lemme guess the reactions of my friends:

Qistina: "wey aku menangis wey".

Atiyah: "haa, jom bermadu beramai-ramai!!"
Me: Jom, lepas spm terus kahwin!

Natasha: *points "handsome lah mammat ni"
Yes, automatically all the guys that berdakwah becomes a total hunk.
Perempuan bodoh mana yang tak nak lelaki yang perjuangkan Agama sendiri?

Dah, itu je lah kot.
I didn't post about "Maulidur rasul peringkat selangor" yet.
I was bitten by a snake, and now the venom is seeping into my veins, making way to my heart, which will be pumped by my blood to the rest of my body. making my mind a complete blur, my day a total haze and lastly, I will collapse onto the bed, falling in a deep sleep..

They found out later that the snake's name was "procrastination".

I could've just said I was "lazy",
but that wouldn't be as epic.
dah, bye.