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16 February, 2012

Teacher's report

We had tuition the other day and the girls were at my house. The teacher didn't come yet so we played a game.

Because I have a super large white board in my living room,
I decided to teach the girls some Biology
My students: Mimi, Atiyah, Fatin, Sarah

I started teaching them Biology "chapter 4: Boys"
I taught them the proper way to calculate the rating of boys.
some of them coud no follow the simple mathematics and were
astounded to find out that 9/100 = 3/25

soon, we moved on to "chapter 5: boys II"
They learnt the characteristics of the specimen and
Sarah concluded that they are also known as "heartbreakers",
which we all agreed upon.

we also had "stars" and a student who answered questions correctly gets a star.
Finally, I gave them a pop quiz and the final "stars" are:
Sarah: 5stars
Fatin: 1star
Mimi: 0 stars
Atiyah: -2 stars

Then our real teacher came, we freaked out and padam-ed the whiteboard like lightning because there were words like "6 pack" and "puberty" lol

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