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14 February, 2012

Bola sepak, wooh!

I was watching Selangor vs Kelantan just now
and I thought to myself "terrernya diorang main"
because I compared them to us playing.
kalau masa pj, kitorang either main Bola jaring or Bola sepak.

and let me get this straight:
Football and women don't mix.
Because when we play, we all chase the ball.

Padahal, before we started, we already sorted out who is in who's team.
punyalah kecoh nak masuk team mana.
last-last semua kejar bola, semua nak tendang bola, semua nak gol.
pastu in the end boleh nampak Mimi tengah peluk bola
and all the rest of us are just waiting for her to let go of it.
Gol keeper pun pergi kat tengah-tengah padang sebab dia pun nak tendang bola jugak :)
So kira bola sepak "girl's style" is an individual game.

and kalau bola tu dah jauh sangat, macam ada orang tu tertendang terlalu jauh,
semua malas nak pergi ambil balik bola tu. (especially Qistina :P )
so tengah-tenah padang tu kitorang "osom" or "lat tali lat"
and siapa yang keluar tu kena lah ambil bola yang jauh di tengah padang itu.

Pastu when we watch the guys play football,
semua terpegun.
boleh lah dengar:
 "macam mana diorang tendang kuat gila?"

and we're always scared to go near the field when the boys are playing because semestinya seseorang itu akan terkena bola. haha

Fatin especially suka bila diorang buka baju :O

bye. esok ada public speaking. takut :/

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