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30 January, 2011

Rotten tomatoes

I was on rotten tomatoes the other day and went to see how new moon made it. well, they didn't,. although eclipse was a far better success then the previous one, None, I repeat NONE made the tomatoes cause they were all rotten.

here's the review:

27 %
Average Rating: 4.6/10
Reviews Counted: 202
Fresh: 50| Rotten: 152

The Twilight Saga's second installment may satisfy hardcore fans of the series, but outsiders are likely to be turned off by its slow pace, relentlessly downcast tone, and excessive length

out of 202  people who rated, 152 people said it sucked. O_O'

top critic Bob Grimm said:
"Oh God...make it stop."
 and below are the following responses:

Taylor M. on 01-5-2010 02:53 PM
I bet your are a  lazy creepy old man and the only reason you dont like it is cause there are no naked people!! people like you are gross

 reply to taylor M:

Chad D. on 01-5-2010 05:44 PM
> and people like you make me laugh, because you have nothing intelligent to say for against the review. The movie is **** and the sooner you accept it the better. The only reason this franchise is so popular is because of horny teenage girls who are blinded by their lust for werewolfs and vampires that they can't see the movie is poorly made, acted, and everything else. the fact that the first negative comment came from a girl proves my point.

Natalie H. on 02-17-2010 05:02 PM
> no darling your a horny teenager who only likes to see hot boys take their clothes off

Bob S. on 08-5-2010 01:29 PM
> I can tell that you're probably 12 or 14 because of the way you spell, and because you like the movie. It only targets young girls by luring them in with unnecessary shirtless scenes, which flood the whole movie. I couldn't bear watching it. I walked out of the theatre 20 minutes into the movie. Honestly, it was horrible, I couldn't stand it.

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