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30 November, 2013

omg Pillows

I've been having this obsession lately.
I'm still contemplating whether it's healthy or not.
well, I've been obsessed with making pillows.

go on, call me a freak.


Now, there are two types of people
those who love Daryl Dixon,
and those who don't know who he is.

his badass iron hard-cotton soft character in The Walking Dead inspired me to make something.
so we made a baby!
It was more like a serious project than something I would do for fun, actually.
I made a pillow in his honour!

it took me about two days to make this pillow.
1st step was to find a quote that I liked.
"Mrs.Dixon" and "lil' asskicker" were too overused (insert inappropriate joke here)
So I decided to go with something sweet and awesome, like hella-hella awesome.

printing is for losers (and rich people). I closed the curtains and sketched lightly with a blunt pencil
thrifty? very.

I used my piano as kind of a second work-area. No joke it felt like I was in some kinda studio.
so I taped all my words on it and thought of what to do next.

ok,so at this point I was like, "guess I'll have to cut every single letter out now"

Then I got tired and was like "the heck with this!"

so I just re-sketched the words onto my fabric (felt sheets to be exact)
and I did a pretty darn good job I tell ya what!
At this point, I heard a knock on the door. But I'll talk about that later.
(ooooooh unsur saspens)

Next step was to cut up an old, large t-shirt that I never wear.
My pillow will have 2 sides,  ^this one on one side, and the other is Daryl's side.
This part was absolutely exciting for me (gosh, what a nerd) because it was nearly becoming. I aligned the letters and made sure they were straight. AS STRAIGHT AS THE GAYS AIN'T! -I bet you don't know where that's from.
I'm not a perfectionist (macam orang tu) but this time I made sure they were perfectly spaced 
^when sewing something by hand, shi* will happen.
but don't worry, got it under control.
When my pillow was done, I stuffed it like a turkey on thanksgiving. but since we don't celebrate thanksgiving, ikan sumbat sambal. mmmm

Now, who was at the door?

well kids, when I opened it, there stood Qistina and Sarah at my doorway!
They wanted me to teach them to make pillows
anak dara gila kan kitorang ni.

Qistina was super stressed when sewing. me and Sarah were like "lek ah qis, SPM dah habis dah"

honestly, everytime I see someone in a burka, I automatically sing "Arabian nights" in my head. yes, even with Natasha.

Our pillows we made
we also ordered pizza and watched a rated 18+ french movie which had many "wtf" moments.
The movie was called "The dreamers"

The pillows that I made :D
Damn, I am so in love with my zombie themed wall mural

29 November, 2013

Last day of school 2013 (last day of school ever!)

Well, we're done.

this is not the end this is just the beginning, 
just  a voice like a riot 
rockin' every revision

next stop, college. after that, god knows.
Thank you to my friends for being my friends
cause imagine having no friends!

23 November, 2013

nearly the end

3 more days and we'll be done with school
and we'll be making history like we do.
you know it's all because of you,
we can do whatever we want to,
hey there hidayah here's to you
this one's for you

I'm truly exasperated.
Our exams end on the 27th
and so do our school years.

No more buying books from the school bookshop,
or picking out school clothes,
and buying new school shoes.
no more anything :(

also, yesterday was the last tuition class we had with Teacher Meen.
I've learnt so much from her.
she's like the mother you can talk everything about with (youknowwhatimeanbyeverything ;) )

we love you :D

16 November, 2013

Hence, Moozes was born!

I'm taking my SPM examination right now and on my desk, someone wrote with liquid paper the word "BRONIES"
To me, Boys and My Little Pony don't really mix. But hey, it's your life and different is cool!
Anyway, It kinda made me want to make brownies cause well;
Bronies, bronies, bro-nies, brownies, BROWNIES!!

All my life I've been making brownies from box mix. boo!
So this time I wanted to make the best, most luxurious, decadent brownies I could possibly handle
from scratch.


 I bought these really good quality, plucked from heaven dark Chocolate bars containing 70% and 85% cocoa content (RM19/100g) and some Pure Madagascar Vanilla extract (one small bottle was RM20)
wow, these are some serious brownies we're talkin' about here!
not to mention expensive as fu!!

When I asked my friends what I should call them,
Atiyah and Syaheerah came up with "Moozes"
It derived from the name of the guy I've been crushing on for the past gazillion years or so.
(but he does not know of my existence, of course. ATLEAST NOT YET)
Hey you! yeah you, I named some  expensive-ass Brownies after you

am I considered creepy for naming it after him?
hell nawhh

Hey guys, I'm sure you would be honoured if a girl named a desert after you.

So yeah, here are the sexy, exotic, brownies named Moozes.

Syaheerah and Atiyah, co-founders of Moozes 

Moozes' tasting lab

05 November, 2013

What is it about hospitals?

What is it about hospitals,
That makes you feel the way you feel?
Is it the shiny tiled floors,
Or the smell of disinfectants?
The long narrow hallways,
Or the light blue curtains that seperate patients?
Is it the frail old man laying in his bed, With his wife close by?
Or knowing that thousands of people step within these walls, only to die?

Is it the thought that every child just wants to go home to his comfy warm bed,
Or is it the smell of food of which these people get fed?
How can you smile in a hospital and let your laughter float away,
When theres an old woman next door, living her last few days?

Why are hospitals so depressing? I asked my mum and she said:
"maybe its because of that painting above your dad's head"

(No jokes, this was really above my dad's bed at the oncology ward)

02 November, 2013

Sad day :(

I found my dad's chocolate stash.
I never knew he had a chocolate stash.
Anyway, I ate a small bag of peanut m&m's.
Then I found this irregular shaped green m&m.
I wanted to show my mum and be all like "look mum, the effects of uncontrolled mitosis!"
But then my inner fat girl ate it before I could show it to her :(

update: I was rereading my old posts and saw the question on here on the formation of spermatozoa.
damn I wish this came out for the exams, piece of cake.