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31 July, 2011

Let's put our fasting shoes on.

Mulai esok, kita akan berpuasa selama sebulan.
This is the last entry for the month (31st July)
And it may or may not be the last entry for the next month too.
pendek kata, PMR is so close I can taste it.

I just realised how stupid I am to ONCE AGAIN, procrastinate.
really Hidayah? you just realised?
I am looking back and thinking "Why didn't I study earlier?"
I hope after I get my results, I still wont be thinking the same thing.

May Allah be always be with me to guide me through.
To give me strength, to give me knowledge.
I didn't go to terawih today because I wanted to study.
I told mum and abah that I will study, and I am going to.
This month is a big month for me. well, its big for alot of people.
I want to change. To be new. To be better.
 I'm sure Allah and Ramadhan can help me

To all my friends that I care so much and to my family whom I love no matter what,
Even if you will never read this, I want to say I'm sorry for all the things I've done.
I also hope Allah S.W.T will let us meet each other on Eid.
I will try to be better as your Daughter/sister/cousin/niece/friend.

Atiyah, Qistina ,Nadhihah, Natasha, Shairah and even Sarah.
You guys have been with me since the very beginning.
so, Thank you.
I'm sorry and I love you guys dearly

26 July, 2011

Mimi Alyssa bt Zaidi

hmmm, what words can describe Mimi?
Beautiful? smart? handsome?
all of the above? hahaha

(I just had to re-edit this because I learnt a lot about Mimi.)

So like, a million freakin gazillion guys have hit on her, right? but none of them wins the cake!

"Mi, you're so picky"

"No I'm not"

"Yes! you so are!"

But one thing for sure is you don't wanna be too pushy. Don't force her to like you, let it be.
if it happens it happens. No one likes feeling tied down, man.
ok why am I telling guys how to get my friend? this is weird.

just tell her she's pretty and give her chocolates.
Because most likely she'll give me the chocolates.

hahaha lawak

19 July, 2011

Nur Syaheerah Intizam

There are 2 words that come in mind when I speak of this girl.
Funny and smart. Really smart.

She has been in my class for 3 years. 1 beta, 2 beta, 3beta.
She never fails to get no.1 for those 3 years. yeah, that smart!
When we speak of Syaheerah, we keep in the back of the mind that we are talking about the smartest girl in class.
 (ha, syaheerah, kembang!) 
yet, she can bee the goofiest person at times.
 wearing socks on her hands, for example ;P
Everytime I ask her how she became this successful in academics,
She answers the same thing:

"Hidayah, Kita kena ingat yang Allah yang pinjamkan ilmu ni kat kita. Bila-bila masa je Allah boleh tari balik"

Although that wasn't really an answer, It's so true.
We are the ones who need to get on the race track and sprint.(yeah, that didn't make sense)

Anyway, back to her.
With her intelligent, mad Piano skills and active-ness in curriculum
What other powers could she possibly posses?
Cuteness? check
Confidence? soo check

I guess the only downside to Syaheerah is that she's in Earth.
Now, If we could just change her to Mars, we have a higher chance of winning.

In Hawaiiii... Under a palm tree is where you'll find me
 Oh sorry, got distracted.
Tom Felton is just too hot.
Wait, where were we?

Oh yes, Syaheerah.
well, overall, I guess Syaheerah is THE PERSON to look up to. no doubt about that.
And syaheerah, If you're reading this, jangan bangga sangat eh.

btw Syaheerah works out alot! I've felt her muscles and I just can't seem to beat her at arm wrestling.

Oh, fred

Today, Mimi brought a letter George wrote to fred. My eyes were watery when I read it.

I coudn't find the exact one on the net. But I found this one, and I cried twice as much

My Dearest Little Brother Forge,
(You're still seven minutes younger, no matter if we're twins or not!)

People always assumed we were identical in every way. I guess the subtle differences were only noticeable to people who paid close enough attention, like our families and ourselves. It wasn't fair how people lumped us into one entity. Don't get me wrong, I loved being a twin, but they never saw our individual qualities for what they were worth.
You always laughed harder, smiled brighter. Your jokes were funnier and you had the more creative streak. Most of the products in our store were thought up by you, only charmed by me. I don't know if I can keep it up without you.

As much as we joked about it, I really think you were more handsome than me. Your features were smoother and well defined, whereas I'm more pointy and angular. And yet, people still could never tell us apart. You were a little taller than me too. It's hard to believe I'm technically the older one, by about seven minutes.

It's been nearly a year; a year of walking around feeling half-dead and incomplete. I wake up every morning and expect to look over and see you grinning while I grumble. You were the morning person out of the two of us.

Mum cries a lot. We all do, but never has Mum cried so hard as when I started wearing your jumpers. They see the 'F' sewn into the yarn and for a second, their hearts skip thinking you've come back, but it's just me. I wore my 'Gred' jumper to your funeral. Ginny nearly destroyed it with her tears, but I forgave her. We buried you in your 'Forge' jumper. Mum made a new one to replace it so I could have it. It's not the same, though.
I can't count the number of times people have slipped up and said 'Fred and George' on accident instead of just 'George'. Every time it happens, I feel my heart break a little more. I'm so used to hearing your name first; I almost considered legally changing my name to FredandGeorge, just so I would never miss it. Mum didn't think it was very funny when I suggested it. Then again, Mum has never fully appreciated our brand of wit, has she?
I try to stay in our room, make myself scarce. I know seeing me is just a painful reminder to the rest of the family of the other half that's missing. I know they can't help it, and even though it hurts, I try to make things easier for everyone else.

They know I'm not taking this well, they know I'm falling apart, but I don't think they really understand. Who could, unless they've lost a twin? Every day I look in the mirror and see your face staring back at me, twisted in agony and glistening with tears. Every time I utter a word, I hear your voice, broken and hoarse. Every time I'm reminded of you I have to wonder why, if they couldn't take me instead, why the hell didn't they just take me too?

You see, I think I discovered the big mystery of twins, the thing those crazy Muggle Death Eaters the Nazi's were looking for during the Holocaust. All they had to do was ask a person who'd lost their twin; I'm sure they all know, whoever the poor souls are. The secret is that twins were never meant to be apart. When we separated in the womb, it was with the intention of always having the other half to complete ourselves.

My other half is gone, and it literally feels that way. Half of me died with you, and as much as I'm trying to stay strong for Mum and Dad and everyone, I don't know how much longer I can really hold on. I miss you, and I hate myself for being here when you're not.

This is depressing. I'm sorry. There's been a severe lack of laughter and joking in the Burrow this past year. I try to crack one every now and then, and even Ron pitches in. Believe it or not, but Ron has been a Godsend. He always seems to be there to help lift my spirits or hold me up when I can't take it anymore. Without him, the shop would have gone down the drain by now. I owe him a lot. There were some days I couldn't be arsed to get out of bed and open the shop. I've been staying with Mum and Dad instead of in our flat. It's too painful to see your empty bed, your clothes, and your toothbrush. I can't handle it, not yet.

Ron always made sure to check on me and asked me if I was up for working, and if not, he'd open and run the store. I was worried at first that he'd blow the place up, what with the products we sell and all, but sales have actually gone up! He's even started helping me develop new stuff for the upcoming summer season. There's not been any new products since – well, since I lost you.

Bill, Charlie and Percy stayed for a while last summer. It was a pretty quiet and sad time, but Charlie decided to try to kick things up and start a Quidditch match in the back garden. We were all excited, grabbing our brooms and heading out, but as we were assigning positions, we realized we only had a six member Quidditch team. It threw us all off, and even though Dad played as second Beater, it wasn't the same. I think it just made us all that much sadder.
Ginny just came in and asked if I wanted chocolate or vanilla frosting on my birthday cake. I'm still not used to having things that are mine and not ours. You'd think it'd be a relief to have some individuality, but it's not. I still want to share everything with you. I think I'll go tell Mum to make sure she still puts your name on the cake. It wouldn't feel right without it.

Well, I made Mum cry again, but she agreed. And I made sure the cake was chocolate with vanilla frosting – your favourite. I think I'll share a piece with your headstone tomorrow. The gnomes will eat it if you don't. Speaking of our birthday…

Well, brother mine, in honour of our twenty-first birthday, I'm setting up something special. Every year on our birthday, instead of mourning you in a depression, I'm going to visit the Children's Ward at St. Mungo's to entertain the sick kids to distract them from their illnesses for a bit. I've already set things in order, and an unveiling of the Fred Weasley Children's Ward is set for tomorrow, on our birthday. Harry, bless his soul, has already invested a huge amount of Galleons to the fund.

The world will never be the same without you; I'll never be the same. I know you wouldn't want me to wallow in sadness forever, though, so I'm going to try as hard as I can to get back to my usual self. I expect that after the shock of the one year anniversary, I'll be able to begin the healing process.

I love you, Fred, and I miss you something terrible. The Wizarding World as a whole lost an amazing person, but our family has been hit hard. We're coping and staying as strong as we can.
You better have the most incredible prank set up for when I get up there! You've got time and the Marauders there to help you out. I won't take any excuses if your skills are rusty by the time I go to meet you!

Rest in peace, my brother, and Happy twenty-first Birthday!
Your other (better) half,
Gred ;D

P.S. Oi, if you see my ear up there, tell it I miss it too! You should try speaking into it. You never know; maybe it will work like a heavenly Extendable Ear! That'd be right wicked, it would!

17 July, 2011


Hidayah, Today you will have to face a big part of your life.
You watched the last movie of harry potter
It has ended, and life must be carried on.
As a Hardcore Harry Potter fan, you could always remember them.
by books, merchandise, DVD's.
It's over, no need to cry.
No need to have that feeling in your heart that makes you depressed.
The books will always be there on your cupboard.
The CD's will always be there on the rack.
Come on, stiffen up your lower lip.
Harry wouldn't want that would he?
No need to remember the last scene of the last movie.
Cause it's never gonna change.
You could preserve Harry Potter by music.
.Buckbeak's flight, Fawkes The Pheonix, Potter Waltz, Obliviate,
all those, can be kept in the heart.
It hurts to keep hanging onto something when its over

Be the Mr.Brightside I know you are.
And move on..

16 July, 2011


Dear Mr.Eminem,
The way you captivate your fans is amazing
Because all you're doing is rapping and singing about your life.
You have been through alot. Lawsuits, divorce, etc.
But you still remain strong like the soldier we all know.
You should be awarded best celebrity dad for the way you
protect Hailie and how you literally gave your arm for her.

all the best,
your biggest fan

When the name "Slim Shady" passes out through a persons lips,

some people will think about a thug, an insane cruel person who
expresses anger through rapping and makes billions out of it.

For others, he is known as the king of rap.
 The man who started it all, The man who extracts a part of his life and applies it to his songs, a gift that nobody else can do.

There is no doubt that this, is Eminem.

so what if his songs are a bit offensive.
Hes been through crap you wouldn't even imagine.

So, why do I suddenly speak of this man?
Because he's been a part of my life for so long.

The first songs I heard from him were mockingbird, cleanin out my closet and like toy soldiers.
Back in 2004, when I was 8

His songs are so inspirational. For example, Lose yourself.
A song that makes you want to work hard on something like crazy. Gives you hope. Makes you stand up and clench your fists. It makes you think "he did it, why can't I"

"Success is my only mothereffing option,
failure's not"
-Lose yourself,Eminem

Just so you know Marshall Matthew Mathers, I love you man.

15 July, 2011


This is an example of how something so simple could become so amazing.

A song about bread (yes, bread) by The magnificent, the handsome, the british, Charlie McDonnel

                                     weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

This is one of my favourite songs because its just so simple and fun.

14 July, 2011

Sports day 2011

A little too late for a sports day blog don't ya think?

This year we went the extra mile, by having our sports day at the one and only, Stadium Shah Alam.
weeee :)

Leader: Marsians! Marsians! marsians!
Us: Oi! Oi! Oi!

Ust.Basri (Marsian teaher) with Jupiter's mascot

Leader: Mercury!
followers: Victory!

 Their theme: wolverine, x-men something :)

Leader: Jupiter!
 followers: Power!

 Their theme: witches and wizards

*krik krik krik*

Oveall, it was an anticipating day. Hot, sweaty and colourful.
Sprits were running high, I didn't get tired of screaming
For most, especially the sprinters, I'm petty sure adrenaline was running through their blood and 80% of us got darker.
It was all good fun though :)

12 July, 2011

Tales of mere existence


yes, egg. something we all know and love.

This is a story of an egg and a girl.

I was over at Mimi's farm for a barbeque
we were excitedly looking at the goats.
 As I turned to give some pallets to a goat, I found a chicken egg!
I then asked Mimi if I could have it, she asked her dad and he said yes!

So, now you have a 14 year old girl that didn't know that she had a fertile chicken egg in her hands.

When I got back home, I put the egg under a table lamp.
yes, lamp! Well, what did you expect? an incubator?
I took two 60W lamps (Credits to IKEA) and put the egg in a container (again, Ikea)
I was obsessed on hatching my egg. Everyday, I would write the report down in a book, to record my findings.

exactly one week after, I started noticing veins.
now you must be thinking, how the heck could I have seen veins in a chicken egg?

simple, a homemade candle light made from a piece of cardboard. smart eh? haha

Day after day, it began to grow.
The network of veins developed.
Such a beautiful sight, knowing you are bringing up a new life form.
I turned the egg a few times a day so that the veins can be fairly distributed on each side.
I remember coming back home from school and being all excited to see my egg.
(This is how expecting mothers must feel like)

DAY 20
after a few days, it died :(
I didn't cry but the disappointment and guilt was certainly present.
He developed a blood ring due to bacteria. The embryo was clearly seen floating in the egg,aimlessly.
Before saying goodbye, I cracked the egg open to see him.
I slowly laid him to rest in a flower pot
In the end, what was left was his cracked shell and my broken heart

10 July, 2011

A song

I composed a song for someone.
someone that I don't think I want to meet. Atleast not now.
I want to meet him later in life though.... When I've changed.
But right now, I want to concentrate on my studies.
Because the thought of not having a future really scares me.

InsyaAllah, I will have a good job and a wonderful life.
wait, what was I talking about?

oh yes, the song

well, the song I composed is called 'Undefined'
Unsure or uncertain of the definition of something to the extent of composing a song with hope it can answer the questions that are kept mystified in my head.
(pfft, emo -.-')

At first it was just a tune I thought was actually quite nice.
F G A G F C# D and then the end is two D's on different keys.
simple aite? I know, so I added on and on to it
wow, I'm boasting about a stupid lame song on my blog, how low can you get?

I admit, I'll never be as great as my all time favourite composer Chopin,

but hey, I'm taking baby steps :)

02 July, 2011

Life stories no.1


My mom is the Director of Veterinar Research Institute so we lived in a 6 room bungalowe beside a river with a tennis court, a foot ball field, Cows, rabbits and goats.
At that time I was 8-11 years old. so, I followed mom to work ( across the football field ) she went on car, I went on bike. when we got there, we saw that the goats were out of their pen and just staring at us. They weren't afraid of us because they were tame. So my mom told me and my sister to put them back. so I rode my bike to the other side to kind of "scare" them back into their pen.
So I mounted my bike and moved forward. They followed me, I got scared and cycled faster.
I looked back and they were chasing me! Imagine cycling on your bike, you look back and a herd of goats were chasing you! But then there was a gutter, I didn't hit the breaks on time and just ran into it ( without falling though) when I looked back to see the goats, afraid they were going to attack me but suprisingly they were just standing there staring at me.. I soon figured out that those goats had the follow the leader instict. but my "you know where" was still aching.

01 July, 2011


I cannot bear to think of it.
Every wasted second of pressing the keys, finding the notes.
A song, composed by me, just for him.
The perfection of his face gets my heart racing.
Everytime he walks by, I stop breathing.
How his eyes glistens as he looks around to find that other girl...
Oh, how I regret liking him, but I cannot seem to stop thinking of him.
Why is it so easy to fall in love, but not fall out?
I hoped that someday I could play this song for him,
But I see now,
That day will never come...

well, that was cheesy, corny and mushy.
But hey, that's how I'm feeling at the moment.
yeah...... awkward....