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25 January, 2014

Fat girls running

go ahead, laugh.

I don't know about other fat girls out there, but I've always hated running.
Our school holds a run every year, 5km for girls and 7km for boys.
Now imagine me,
a huge girl who loves chicken nuggets and has never done any strenuous physical activity pounding the roads for 5km.

looking back, all the soreness, the strains, side stitches, all those "walls" I hit (mind you, I've encountered numerous walls in any one run) were the worst experiences I went through in life.

but then I deserved them too. I deserved every single pain my body went through because I was so gosh darn fat. The human body was never designed to live a sedentary life style. but I chose that path.

At that time, I saw the School Road Runs as a punishment rather than an initiative to get fit or become aware.
and I hated every single person who got a number or finished the race at the record because I envied them.

I started seriously running in August 2013.
at that time the farthest I could go was 3km in 30 minutes. D:

"Real Supermen don't leap over buildings in a single bound,
they take small determined steps consistently over time"

fast forward to 5 months later, I'm running 7km, 4 times a week.
my fastest record is 35 minutes.

anyway, I'm writing this because yesterday I've reached 300km of runnning in the span of 20 weeks!
time to partay with a bucket of good ole southern fried chicken

23 January, 2014


This is why you should never be the first one to pass out at a party

18 January, 2014

17 January, 2014

St. Clementine

I love Nigella lawson. Do you love Nigella lawson? I love Nigella lawson.
This is my favourite recipe of hers which I will be making for my husband and kids 
(lol that was suupeer weird to say for a teen)

It's a clementine cake ♡♡

It was the perfect time to make a clementine cake because its chinese new year everybody!

And although mandarin oranges aren't technically clementines, they do fall in the same family so sue me!!

the pictures are a little grainy because I added layers and layers of filters haha

They have to be boiled for two whole hours.

baked :)


whipped creamed and strawberried!

16 January, 2014

Hospital life

It was a beautiful wednesday morning. The sun wasn't fully active yet, but he was taking his time.
I had to take care of my dad at the hospital for his bi weekly chemotherapy. 
He can't eat anymore and needs to be fed with a tube (possibly forever).
please don't feel sorry for me.I don't like it.

Also, I had 12 hours to spare. I walked around the hospital grounds looking for things to do. haha

first I bought some puzzle books at the Hospimart. 
thank you god, for letting there be puzzle books.

I opened the first page and was like "holy frickin cows!"

flippin popsicle sticks, you could never have guessed how happy I was.

My thoughts after taking forever to figure out a sudoku puzzle: "I am not a bright bean"

At lunch time I went to the cafeteria to eat. alone. The cafeteria is miles away from the Onco ward. 
 Sadly though honestly enough, I was thoroughly enjoying myself.. 
Not sure if happy because I felt more independent doing things by myself, 
or just natural born loner.

I walk alone, I walk alone.
 my shadows bla bla bla bla

No one is going to rape you. no one is going to rape you

 while going down the lift to stretch my legs (and get away from sudoku)
there was this chinese family in the lift with me. two girls, a boy and a woman (presumably their mum?) on a stretcher with an oxygen mask. We were in the same building, so I knew it was cancer. You should have seen they're faces though. They looked so scared and exhausted but they weren't crying. The male nurses pushed the woman into an ambulance and they brought her away. Away to where? I don't know.

If you ever feel like your life is not how you wanted to be, like that guy doesn't like you back, or your favourite tv show was cancelled. Just think about the less fortunate and appreciate what you have. Don't think about those who have more than you. Even if she does have the perfect body and wears designer brands and travels the world. 
Actually...if The Walking Dead was cancelled, I would probably wither into depression.

Also, my period cramps were so horrible!!
I just wanted to go up to someone and be all like "would you just hold me right now?"
No, I'm not shy about writing on periods.
 males don't read my blog. FACT
ovaries ovaries ovaries 

13 January, 2014

girls like boys. who knew?

I swear, I've been to HKL so many times (at least 4 times a week) that I know it like the back of my hand. I could basically live there.

Whilst there just now, I have come to realise a particular defect of my character.
I grow inexplicably nervous, particularly around the opposite sex and lose all control over my body.
My hands will start shaking, words come out like vomit and I become clutzilla

Scenario 1:

After paying for my food, I proceeded to walk towards the staircase to eat at the upper deck. It's less crowded there as it is a hospital and hospitals have many old, ill, wheelchair-bound patients. This one guy with a Jack&Jones hoodie and hat was walking down the stairs of which I was at the bottom. We kinda collided?  he moved left, so did I. He moved right, I followed suit. He laughed (well, more like chuckled) and the muscles on my face were paralyzed, so instead of a smile, I gave a half smiling-frowning face!
do it, look at yourself in the mirror smiling and frowning at the same time.
I bet he was creeped out as heck!

Scenario 2:

We were at the Oncology clinic waiting for our turn to see the doctor. In the waiting room, there were only me, my father and two guys who I assume are brothers [which were undeniably more than your average mediocre, if you get what I'm sayin' ;) ] sitting opposite me. When my dad went in to see the doctor, I was left alone and my mum came. I got up to walk towards her and I forgot how to walk. I was accidently kicking the chairs and making such a racket. I also spilled hot coffee on myself. then my huge phone fell out of my pocket onto the tiled floor and it sounded like a grenade went off.
I was screaming in my head "get your shi*t together, man".


11 January, 2014

What is this feeling?

The other day we went to watch the secret life of walter mitty again
(This is my second time watching it)
As we were lining up to buy popcorn, I saw him again.
Weird things started to happen.
my hands started shaking, my finger tips were cold and I couldn't talk properly.
come to think of it, it sounds like a medical problem. haha

He told me he really loved The Hobbit the first time we talked and in my head I was like,
"that's it, I'm sold. you're pefect"

09 January, 2014

For Sarah

Sarah has been a pain in the ass. But I love her anyways no matter how sore I get.
That sounded weird, no?

Anyway, I promised her to show me wearing the sweater she got for my birthday from H&M.
But since I hate taking pictures of myself (89% of the time, atleast)  I took this from my sister's instagram.

Followed by a picture of Sarah I downloaded creepily from her blog, (god you're gorgeous, dude)
And pictures of horses she made for me to get me to go to school.
Damn, she wants me bad ;p

To think she actually took time to do this. awwwh <3

07 January, 2014

Making dinner :)

I wanted to make lemon & herb chicken patties, but for some weird, annoying, and frustrating reason, there was no ground chicken in the stores! I searched everywhere too!!
So I opted for beef :/

I also made a mexican bean salad which is my new favourite thing. Im healthily addicted ;)

For the carbs I drizzled some spinach fettuccine with olive oil and roasted garlic.


It was super fun to make, I felt like a little gourmet chef and I swear I could hear Gordon Ramsay shouting "what the f&#*! are you doing!!?" At me.

06 January, 2014


I love these people :)
two of my friends just left for national service.
THANK GOD  I didn't get in.

Photos from BBq and outing at that dammed space u. Haha