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23 June, 2013

Melaka !

We went to A'Famosa this weekend.
It was a blast and blablabla just look at photos.

you kinda can already imagine how soft his fur feels

He stared at me for a minute straight.

dalam kepala dia: "Ya Allah..aku nak undi siapa ni.."

 These gold and blue macaws were just so pretty I took like a hundred photos of them

Not what you think..

awww they're preening <3

They were left unattended near the food court which was pretty unsafe IMO. I was like "Ikah, do you still want your fingers intact?"

Mathematician Otter

Ok, so these guys took out a snake and went out of the ring holding it letting the audience pet it.

This kid from Saudi Arabia was all like "give me" right as the handler was about to go back into the ring. So the guy with the mic was like, "alright, come inside the ring, we'll let you touch it"

(p/s: guys, remember the school trip here in 2011? yeah, its the same announcer)

*Puts snake around kid* "but wait! you're a big guy""

"This is just a small snake, you need something bigger. he's got something just right for you"

*Guys bring out bigger snake

Kid was like "No! No!" and you can see he was trying to get away cause the handler is grabbing his hand.

Kid was pretty freaked out by big snake at first
Kid thinks its not so bad and has a good time

kid dances with snake

Kid kisses snake. They fall in love

everyone is happy.

I've always wanted a Sulphur Crested cockatoo then I heard it scream and was like..nvm..

I was happy to see these elephants and I'm sure they are well taken care of but I just don't like them being used for human entertainment I mean yea I guess they get food and shelter and whetever afterwards but I kinda wanted to set them free where their tusks won't have to be sawed off and not be ridden like some kind of slave someone better call PETA cause I think I belong there I dunno I guess they'll live longer in captivity and they're safer but are they happy? that is the question.

we were tired


The moon that night was red which was pretty eerie 

we're up all night to get lucky
we're up all night to get lucky
we're up all night to get lucky
we're up all night to get lucky

sorry, that song was stuck in my head.


  1. eleh kau?..Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!, Oi! Oi! Oi!

  2. hey gang hihuhihuihihihuihi kau tak annoyed ke dgn aku weh..
