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27 May, 2013

oh cintaa!

I told Atiyah that I was composing a song inspired by her love life.
 I know what you're thinking.. what love life!?
I'm so mean. haha

Its more of a unrequited love kind of song you know, the kind of shit teenagers go through blablabla.
so anyway, its composed on piano, meaning there's no lyrics (tak intend nak bubuh lirik pun) but me and atiyah came up with some pretty awesome lyrics for it anyway!

jangan terasa ya, pengubah-pengubah lagu melayu sekalian.
we weren't making fun of you.
come to think of it, we actually were.
hahha just kidding!
no, but seriously though, takyah lah jiwang sangat.

1 comment:

  1. apa nama melayu kalau tak jiwang brader hahhahahaha
