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30 November, 2013

omg Pillows

I've been having this obsession lately.
I'm still contemplating whether it's healthy or not.
well, I've been obsessed with making pillows.

go on, call me a freak.


Now, there are two types of people
those who love Daryl Dixon,
and those who don't know who he is.

his badass iron hard-cotton soft character in The Walking Dead inspired me to make something.
so we made a baby!
It was more like a serious project than something I would do for fun, actually.
I made a pillow in his honour!

it took me about two days to make this pillow.
1st step was to find a quote that I liked.
"Mrs.Dixon" and "lil' asskicker" were too overused (insert inappropriate joke here)
So I decided to go with something sweet and awesome, like hella-hella awesome.

printing is for losers (and rich people). I closed the curtains and sketched lightly with a blunt pencil
thrifty? very.

I used my piano as kind of a second work-area. No joke it felt like I was in some kinda studio.
so I taped all my words on it and thought of what to do next.

ok,so at this point I was like, "guess I'll have to cut every single letter out now"

Then I got tired and was like "the heck with this!"

so I just re-sketched the words onto my fabric (felt sheets to be exact)
and I did a pretty darn good job I tell ya what!
At this point, I heard a knock on the door. But I'll talk about that later.
(ooooooh unsur saspens)

Next step was to cut up an old, large t-shirt that I never wear.
My pillow will have 2 sides,  ^this one on one side, and the other is Daryl's side.
This part was absolutely exciting for me (gosh, what a nerd) because it was nearly becoming. I aligned the letters and made sure they were straight. AS STRAIGHT AS THE GAYS AIN'T! -I bet you don't know where that's from.
I'm not a perfectionist (macam orang tu) but this time I made sure they were perfectly spaced 
^when sewing something by hand, shi* will happen.
but don't worry, got it under control.
When my pillow was done, I stuffed it like a turkey on thanksgiving. but since we don't celebrate thanksgiving, ikan sumbat sambal. mmmm

Now, who was at the door?

well kids, when I opened it, there stood Qistina and Sarah at my doorway!
They wanted me to teach them to make pillows
anak dara gila kan kitorang ni.

Qistina was super stressed when sewing. me and Sarah were like "lek ah qis, SPM dah habis dah"

honestly, everytime I see someone in a burka, I automatically sing "Arabian nights" in my head. yes, even with Natasha.

Our pillows we made
we also ordered pizza and watched a rated 18+ french movie which had many "wtf" moments.
The movie was called "The dreamers"

The pillows that I made :D
Damn, I am so in love with my zombie themed wall mural


  1. Anonymous30/11/13

    i thought sarah was you!! or qistina!! wth

  2. Anonymous30/11/13

    Who u are
