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05 November, 2013

What is it about hospitals?

What is it about hospitals,
That makes you feel the way you feel?
Is it the shiny tiled floors,
Or the smell of disinfectants?
The long narrow hallways,
Or the light blue curtains that seperate patients?
Is it the frail old man laying in his bed, With his wife close by?
Or knowing that thousands of people step within these walls, only to die?

Is it the thought that every child just wants to go home to his comfy warm bed,
Or is it the smell of food of which these people get fed?
How can you smile in a hospital and let your laughter float away,
When theres an old woman next door, living her last few days?

Why are hospitals so depressing? I asked my mum and she said:
"maybe its because of that painting above your dad's head"

(No jokes, this was really above my dad's bed at the oncology ward)

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