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25 January, 2014

Fat girls running

go ahead, laugh.

I don't know about other fat girls out there, but I've always hated running.
Our school holds a run every year, 5km for girls and 7km for boys.
Now imagine me,
a huge girl who loves chicken nuggets and has never done any strenuous physical activity pounding the roads for 5km.

looking back, all the soreness, the strains, side stitches, all those "walls" I hit (mind you, I've encountered numerous walls in any one run) were the worst experiences I went through in life.

but then I deserved them too. I deserved every single pain my body went through because I was so gosh darn fat. The human body was never designed to live a sedentary life style. but I chose that path.

At that time, I saw the School Road Runs as a punishment rather than an initiative to get fit or become aware.
and I hated every single person who got a number or finished the race at the record because I envied them.

I started seriously running in August 2013.
at that time the farthest I could go was 3km in 30 minutes. D:

"Real Supermen don't leap over buildings in a single bound,
they take small determined steps consistently over time"

fast forward to 5 months later, I'm running 7km, 4 times a week.
my fastest record is 35 minutes.

anyway, I'm writing this because yesterday I've reached 300km of runnning in the span of 20 weeks!
time to partay with a bucket of good ole southern fried chicken

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