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29 September, 2011


Now, get ready for a whole lot of randomness..

1.Well, PMR is in another 6 days. Well isn't that great...
2.My video, yeah the one about "Irfans open house" reached 237 views. From there, the views started to slow down. Which shows: I have a sad social life :(
3.moving on, I've made 2 birthday cakes in the past month. One for Shamirah and one for Qistina :)
nothing beats watching them eat something I made. I was smiling the whole time cause they don't know what I put in there..... (evil laugh)
4.Oh, did you know that on the first day of Raya, our car broke down.. we spent our 3 hours of raya morning waiting for the pickup truck :((
5.Sabrina is having her konvensi or whatever you call it. Its happening on the 6th of Oct.
6.I told most of my friends about a dark secret. Their faces were like :O and mine was (-_-')
"Great, now how the hell am I supposed to forget about it"
7.Also, my friends were too nice to do something for me but it didn't work out. I'M DISAPPOINTED WITH YOU!! haha
 I'm kidding, you guys make me cry.. why do you have to be so nice ? why? why?
8.hmm. I haven't seen my cat for a whole day.
Katrina bt Abdul Kadar, get you butt and paws here this instant!!
9.I feel like crap
10.Today, I wasn't feeling so well. I wanted to go home so badly! but Atiyah was all "ala, nanti aku sorang2" so I stayed.
11. Whenever I have the chance, I draw a heart on Atiyah's paper :D12.It actually feels like everyone is going to get seperated with everyone else.Thank god I made the video, It makes me feel accomplished.
I'm just hoping maybe Atiyah or Mimi or Fatin would one day think:

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