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16 September, 2013

what is it? what is it with girls and horses?

I just made some seared salmon in caramelised apples and onions and my god, it is the most wonderful lunch I've ever made!

oh, by the way,Today is Malaysia day!!
Thank you, to the fore fathers before us who have membanting tulang to give us the country that we live in today. I love you.

so saturday was the first time in a whole month I went horse riding.
I was so happy to see the smiles that have never failed to accompony me from the gates of the club all the way down to the stables.

They gave me Alvarro ( or I like to call him "Devil Horse") He is the most pushiest, panicky, hot blooded, ill-mannered thoroughbred I have ever laid my eyes on.

He acted up the moment we started trotting; bucking and rearing, trying to throw me off.
Then my trainer decided to lunge him, so I was given another horse, Shiva.

There is only one word to describe Shiva; HUGE
standing at 17hh, I had to draw down the stirrup to the longest hole to get on her.
She was cool. responded fairly well to my ques, and dang her canter was as smooth as MJ.

At the club, there are a lot of spectators, riders and non-riders alike.
I always get nervous when riding in public, like I get the feeling everyone is judging me.
but then, this Chinese lady whose daughter was on the lunging rein in a pen beside me gave me the biggest smile ever and stuck two thumbs up at me.
I felt like a star haha.

one "horse-less" month feels like eternity.
like torture, really.
Its funny cause every time I ride a horse, I think to myself

"This is what I was born to do"

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