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26 October, 2013

Look at my food! #2

It's been stressful lately. Like, hella stressful.
But anyways, here's some food.

We didn't go grocery shopping last week because everyone was busy + dad was having his chemo,
So yeeeee, with limited resources, you can't duck and dive. Gotta improvise with what you've got, no cutting corners or cheating.
Just because you don't have it, doesn't mean you can't do it.

What am I talking about? I have no idea. I just watched Jamie Oliver's TED speech  and it was awesome. I love the man.

This was a post-workout meal I think (can't remember exactly) 
There is 100% no oil in this :D

Seared salmon with caramelised apples! My favourite thing to make ever.

I'm so asian
This was completely vegetarian, which is soo not me. 

Alas, I am only but human :)


  1. Anonymous17/11/13

    omg dappppppnyeeeeee hehehhehehe hi hidayah
    hashtag atiyah
