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09 December, 2010

.Unexpected things.

A friend named Izza Atirah once said to me "They always tell me to expect the unexpected" and 'They' are actually right.
You know how you KNOW things are going to be BAD but they end up GOOD?
 yeah those kind of moments.
 like for one, I was expecting to have a bad day at tuition cause I HATE TUITION! but I found out I actually learnt something * Standing Ovation*. like seriously... and I also found Ily, a 6 Dedali friend and FATIN MAISARAH! my class representative/ketua kelas. but I only nticed her at the end of the class because Ily was in the way... curse you! j/k. hahaha

Oh, mom bought me a Piano.A Yamaha Clavinova :) my piano lessons start on 7th of December with a teacher named Michelle. The Journey continues!!!
When I go to tuition this friday on 10th December 2010, I'm going to buy myself a Betta fish or how we Malaysians say ikan laga... or is it pelaga.... and guess what I'm going to name it?  DECEMBER :) awwwww

White Opaque Betta Pictures, Images and Photos
I hope it does't die though..

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