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20 May, 2014

Just things

I'm in the hosital again, my dad's having his 4th chemo cycle.

So I was at the hospimart to buy raisins, then there was this guy (mula lah dia..)
We were standing outside the shop and I was opening my box of raisins in front of him. Then the whole box fell on the ground and he just looked as I fumbled to pick it back up. There were raisins all over the floor. Aren't I the smoothest?

So I took a walk around the hospital grounds and passed by the maternity ward. Oh my god I could hear the babies crying from the street outside!!.
Nak baby jugak!! Jk...kot.

I passed this couple and the guy was holding their newborn baby, so I smiled at the lady but she didn't smile back :/
Maybe she thought I was trying to get her baby, or worse her man!. I've read enough on postnatal depression to know what's up.

Sheesh man, I just wanted to congratulate you on your successful cake.
I proceeded to make a joke about "baby batter" and "uterine oven" in my mind. What am I, 13??

I've also been following this tumblr called "eatingdisorderconfessions" and it's the saddest thing, really. From someone who understands and gets it, I couldn't help but cry at some of the posts.


  1. hahah my mum said that your update is funny especially the cake thingy.. omg hidayah your blog mmg kita nak jdi kan inspiration.. anyway, can i have your tumblr url :)

  2. Anonymous21/5/14

    I want your tumblr url too! Can ah?
    😏. Heehee. Atiyah x nk bg die punya.

  3. your mum read my blog?? omg malunya hahah
