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09 February, 2012

Annoying facebook girl

NOTE: This post may be offensive to some people so I would like to say that this has nothing to do with you. Its about a girl of whom I blocked from facebook due to her continuous annoying attitude and selfish behaviour.She sells sea shells on the sea shore.

Let's face it,
we all know that person. If you don't,
Most probably you are one of them.

1) I'm so sick of reading about your stupid ex
you insult him IN YOUR STATUS,
Talk about how "AMAZING" your current boyfriend is,
all for the sake of "attention".

This is called attention whoring.
you want people to ask "why" or "what happened"
then you answer: "xde pape, ade ah"

Then tell me, tell me right now WHY you posted that in the first place?

You could have just messaged the dude..
But Hell noo... you just had to post it on facebook status where you have 1500 friends.
some of which you don't even know, have never talked to or don't even care about.

2) You get 100 likes on a photo you took of yourself with your DSLR in
a public bathroom.
The likes are most likely from sexual predators and pedophiles.
If Kevin Carter was alive, he would cry himself to sleep every night.

Money can't buy you talent sweety :)

 3) distorting of language
mls nk xplen doeww so krg ble tgk sndri kotzz klu x mls larh lolz. hah ko ngat ko spew.
Bahasa rempit tak jadi :)
pause music in sidebar -->

Finally, I finished making my point. All my anger flushed away. So please, change the way you treat facebook and the hunger and poverty in Africa will vanish. Or



  1. Esok ada public speaking. Yay.

  2. I can imagine myself infront of the class goin' "What is pornogaphy?" class: *krik krik krik

  3. Anonymous12/2/12

    Believe me, I could name 500 people that act like this..
