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25 April, 2012

Qistina Iwani

Tadi kitorang dalam kelas pastu suddenly I asked qistina
"wey, kau benci aku ke?"
pastu we both laughed like hell.
the reason I asked her was because we are so different
(kecuali kalau nampak lelaki, then we put all differences aside lol)
I mean, she is a soft, pink, wanita melayu asli ori ayu.
and I? Well I'm a russian. (haha, if that were true I would be so happy)

she reads forums and blogs about skin care
I play modern combat on my samsung tab.

She reads novel  pasal "cinta"
I play mortal combat on my samsung tab.

she dances to traditional songs (kelab kebudayaan)
I kick a horse to make it trot faster.

she would put her arms around me suddenly in class.
and I would pukul her and hiss "aku bukan lesbian!"
(haha serious tadi ni berlaku kat chemistry lab )

she will puke when watching kissing scenes in movies.
I go "aww".

She goes "aww" at malay dramas.
Contoh script: saya cintakan kamu. Saya mahukan pelukan mu.
I puke. *bluekkk

we've been friends since form 1 (zaman rempit kitorang)
masa tu kitorang jahat gila. skarang dah berubah :)

Oh, pastu masa form 1, kitorang dalam kelas. pastu azan berkumandang
Satu kelas pun senyap lah.
Tiba-tiba Qistina Gelak (Bila gelak maksudnya dia jerit)
tak faham eh? takpe, bagi video ni explain.

ok, you don't have to watch the WHOLE video,
just skip to 7:50 to watch Qistina laugh.
kalau korang interested lah..
haha, macam jual dia pulak :D
(open house Irfan 2011 a few days before PMR)

macam tu lah dia gelak masa tengah azan.
ntah kenapa dia jerit. mystery..

Dia ni senang jatuh cinta.
Dia nak kahwin dengan complete stranger.
haha wey, aku bocorkan semua rahsia kau :D

pastu masa dia dapat tawaran pergi asrama,
we both cried like crazy.
Masa tu she was walking me home.
Me: Ni last time kitorang jalan sama-sama kan?
Qis: takyah lah cakap macam tu.
Both: menangis*
Ni berlaku dekat pondok di antara sek.rendah dengan sek.menengah.


    You're welcome ;)

  2. Thanks mimi. It has about 15 views more than my other posts. I guess qistina has tons of stalkers? Lol
