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05 March, 2014


Pacific Cod, Garlic brown rice, peas, cherry tomatoes 

Today is a very thoroughly planned out day.
 I plan on beating my personal 5k record by atleast 3 minutes so I had to fuel my body accordingly.
I can't eat too much and I have to stop eating 4 hours prior to any running or else SIDE STITCH!

Fast forward 5 hours later:

I did manage to beat my record. weeheee!
Your body is capable of doing anything if you treat it right.

I planned my dinner even before I woke up this morning, so after my run I jogged straight to the kitchen to make dinner.

Skinless chicken breast, sweet potato chips, mashed cauliflower , broccoli 


  1. i stalk yr blog :)

  2. and i want yr food :)))

  3. Mims7/3/14

    I wanna cook with you, i'm horrible at cooking x(
