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10 March, 2014


*My heart goes out to those affected by the disapearance  of MH-370

Mimi, Syaheerah, Shairah and I went to the Educational UK Fair held at KLCC today.
We spent like, an hour at the fair and the other 5-6 hours at the shopping mall. #yolo
We talked to a couple of British gentleman and some ladies on the courses we intend to take and stuff (dang they were tall. kinda like giants. my neck hurts)

oh! we also met Sarah at the fair. we hugged, our lady parts touched, we said goodbye. 

These are some random moments we managed to GIF-ify
(takleh flip lah. tak fahe aku)

macam tak ada kawan

we were scarce on money at this point. You can see Shairah apologizing to the waiter and Mimi arranging the quarters we squeezed out among ourselves. our two burgers, scones and two drinks were RM90.50. again,#yolo

Look at the twin towers and the moon and everything!

what I bought :)


  1. Anonymous10/3/14

    remaja buas!!!!! lepak kat klcc sampai 12 pagi!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous10/3/14

    anyway. u get skinnier everytime i look at you!!1 whuttttt??!

  3. I ate a burger at 10.30pm last night. my life is ruined :(

  4. omg what app did you guys use for the GIFs? hahahah seriously those GIFs are funny im laughing my arse off XD
