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25 November, 2011

Takdir :)

I went out  to eat dinner with my friends today.

and guess what?

He was there

The most handsome, nicest, sweetest, smartest, talented guy was there...

I was out with Fatin, Syaheerah and Qistina.
at a restaurant (name cannot be mentioned)
Saja, nak cakap-cakap sebab lama tak jumpa.
We then talked about how awesome it would be if he was there and


He came in..

jantungku berdegup pantas..
oh, silap bahasa
My heart was beating so fast I was scared it might rip.
cold sweat trickled down my spine, the atmosphere suddenly chilly,
somewhat death-like as if the grim reaper was standing
behind me waiting to cover me in darkness with his thick black cloak.
the rotten smell of grief and guilt filled my lugs causing me to choke...

ok sudah..terlebih pulak.

Also, Fatin jatuh cinta dengan a waiter.
Sebenarnya, saya yang nampak dulu tapi takpelah...bagi Fatin

Hahah.. mungkin anda takkan faham.
takpe, tak penting -_-

anyway, we ate and went to MyDin.
Qistina nak beli kentang and ayam nak masak sup.
Then we came in the restaurant again.
Fatin nak beli cake.
Saya pun mengambil kesempatan "melihat" ;P

Akhirnya, Syaheerah pun balik so we waited outside the restaurant.
I was playing with a kitty that showed up
while wishing like mad he would come out cause I wanna see him :)

He and his friend (Jimmy Neutron) finally came out.
I 'kononnya' looked around.

What happened next, I don't want to tell anybody
because I think its just something I rather keep to
myself instead,
you know?
just something personal only I want to remember :D

Then I went home.
leaving Qistina all alone.

Gosh, do you think he knows?
I think he does :(

I don't want him to know.
I don't ever want him to know.
well maybe not forever,
but just not now.
Maybe I'll tell him when I'm 25 and he'll be 27

Oh, and I also heard him curse.
(I think it was him)
 he said the "F" word.
That was the cutest curse in the ENTIRE WORLD!

But can you imagine,
me and my friends haven't seen each other since 11.11.11
I haven't seen him since 11.11.11 either.
and suddenly today,
the same place, the same date, same time, I see him?
 Maybe there is no such thing as coincidences.
who knows

Thats why the name of this post is "Takdir"
Qistina said: "Mungkin Allah bagi kau chance last untuk tengok dia?"

Maybe it was.
Goodbye Jco.

I am  now reading the very first(and last) thing you ever said to me
I just want to say:
"au revoir"

Good luck in you're SPM

yours truly,

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