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12 January, 2012


I'm nearly always having conversations with myself.
I guess its because I'm THAT bored.
I literally have no one to talk to.
My parents are rarely home.
My sisters are only here on weekends,
and I'm sure Katrina, Mars and Firefly (my cat, fish and bird)
 are tired of my babbling. is also getting boring.
What with obsessive gender hunting ends up with me having to be submissive;
I'm pretty sure I've been a guy, a homosexual and a Jamaican :/
I swear, If I see another "asl" ever again,
I'll drink a whole bottle of ketchup.

also, eventhough I only turned 15 a month ago,
I feel old.
I mean, I don't know how my childish acts will ever get used to being a "grown up"

we are supposed to know what we want to be ALREADY??

shhh!!!.....I'm listening to the guiitar solo from "the seven nation army"
its   so   beautiful..

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