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14 January, 2012


These are the ways my mum wakes me up in the mornings:

1.she'll sing; "Wake up Gromit, time for wakey-wakey".
and she'll sing that infront of my door until I go crazy

2." Hidayah! its already 9 am!! wake up!"
*looks at clock

3. knocks door endlessly.
"knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock"

Now, the reason why I wrote about my mum, was because one of my best friends' mum will be away for
6 months!! and only be back on weekends!!

Qsitina is not the type of person who is tough.
She breaks down and cries whenever something sad happens.
Like this one time I was randomly telling her about me and Jco,
how I would wait for him for a thousand years.
and She cried. I laughed.

Yet, thats the complete reason why I envy her.
She's so soft, like a marshmallow, like a rose petal
I'm as hard as cement.

I remember when my mum would go around the world for work and leave me behind.
I cried like crazy.
One time, when I was 5, she went to Japan for 3 weeks,
I thought to myself "ma, kenapa tak bawak Hidayah sekali?"
and at night, I would gather all her clothes and hug them.
Oh god, I'm gonna cry :'(

As I'm typing this, its been two days since I  last saw her.

So Qistina,

Aku tau kau teramatlah sedih,

and aku tau yang kemungkinan setiap hari aku akan nampak kau menangis.

Tapi kitorang kena bersyukur yang mak kitorang ada lagi.

Walaupun taklah sampai 6 bulan,

tapi aku dapat rasa apa yang kau rasa.

kau kan tau,

yang mak aku selalu balik lambat.

ada sekali ni, pukul 1pagi baru dia balik.

aku selalu terbayang macam mana,

kalau satu malam,

dia tak balik.

kalau dia tak balik selama-lamanya.

So jom kita berdoa kepada Allah,

untuk panjangkan umur diorang.

aku akan sentiasa doakan Qistina dan mama Qistina :)
dah, jangan nangis dah.

p/s: kan best kalau dalam 20 tahun, kau bagi anak-anak kau baca blog ni?