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24 October, 2012

Cara orang melayu berfikir

Ok, one thing I realised in my daily life of living in Malaysia is the constant (and I mean constant) amount of stereotypes we have.

Bangla tu gay, indon ni pencuri, orang nepal ini, orang Myanmar itu....

padahal, most the foreign workers that I know are really nice!

an indonesian man help build our house. now he has his own house a block away from us and has a daughter. nama dia Sara. manja gila -_-

One Myanmar-ian(?) man I know just became a grandfather!
He's one of the sweetest man ever. He was the first person who ever said my riding was good.

A bangladeshi man at the hospital where my father gets treated for cancer was nearly in tears when my mum handed him RM2 for helping us find a parking spot.
he was bowing at my mum with both his hands clapsed at his forehead with gratefulness.
Did I mention it was blazing hot, and there he was helping people find parking spaces.

So why with all this hate?

Kata satu Malaysia?
I thought accepting other people was our main value of being Malaysian.
shouldn't that atleast be the only value we Malaysians should possess? :/

Why not think that maybe that man who you thought was trying to hit on you just wanted to ask you something. that maybe he has a wife and children at home.

Jangan nak kata orang lain jahat.
orang melayu semua baik ke?

have a sense of realisation that they're doing the work that a normal Malaysian yang "maju" and "advanced" takkan buat, like working at construction sites and petrol stations.

be open minded! don't fall to stupid stereotypes

oh, by the way,
I rocked my chemistry paper just now.
It was fun!

17/21 papers done.
lepas exam, CUTI
lepas cuti, FORM 5. yaaaay?

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