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20 December, 2011

Good maid bad maid

Have you ever had a maid before?
ever since I was seven all the way up until I'm 15,
I've had 8 maids.
(beforehand, I want to apologize because I will be using some bad words)


She was the first maid we ever had. I liked her a lot. we would play football everytime I got back from school.


Our second maid.
She loved to smoke. Her pants were always so baggy and it always went way above her ankles which I find very unattractive.


She was the weird one.
She always had nightmares and always screamed in her sleep.
One day, my mum came home and she was crying. She said "anak saya sakit kaki bu"
I was like..ok......


She was the BITCH.
harsh? definitely not.
First, she lied about her age. She said she was 25 when her passport said
born in: 1960 (you ain't foolin' no one dumbass)
she had hearing problems which meant I would be right behind her calling her name like crazy,
and she wouldn't hear a thing.
Then when she didn't respond, I would tap her on the shoulder.
She would be so surprised, that she usually jumped in shock.

I remember coming home from school one day and she was crying.. no, WAILING out loud.
My dad went to her and asked what's the problem.
She said that she received a phone call from her sister saying her mother died.
I was sad for her.

Then there was the "cat" incident.
One time, I fed my cat under the table,

She saw that I finished feeding my cat and thought I went upstairs,
when infact I just went to another room and I could see her go to the table..

 She pulled out the chair

and she kicked my cat.

I was like: HEEELL NO! I'ma Chris Brown you up bitch"

But of course I didn't say that to her, I told my mom.

She stayed for another couple of weeks and my cat was terrified of her.
When she was sweeping the floor, sometimes she would hit my cat with the broom.

We "mengawasi" her a lot. Maybe she did it because her mother just died and she was mad,
 so I forgave her.

But she was oh so lazy. When the laundry was done, she would leave the basket of clothes at the bottom
of the stairs because she was too lazy to go up.

She would also stare at you. Just look at what you do.
Stand there and watch you when you're cooking an omelet,
when you're washing your plate, getting a drink..
 just. freaking. watch.

Then it was time for her to leave. Alhamdulillah!!
So she left.

On the next day, the phone rang. I answered it and because it was an Indonesian speaking, I couldn't understand what she was saying, and hung up :) hehe

The person called again and this time my sister answered.

Person: Hello, Warsina ada?
Balqees: ah? dia dah balik Indonesia dah.
Person: Ha! dia belum balik! jangan tipu.
Balqees: Dah! dia dah balik dah!
Person: kenapa semalam saya call kamu letak (It was me who hung up, hehe)
Balqees: blur*
Person: mana Warsina!? (dah marah)
Balqees: Betul! dia dah balik dah!!
Person: Jangan tipu! nanti dekat neraka Allah potong lidah.

amboi amboi amboi, sedap kata orang masuk neraka. Check diri dulu ok?

Anyway, we found out the person was her sister (yg call dia pasal mak dia meninggal tu). Memang sah satu keluarga sakit otak.

Turns out, her sister never called her at at all.. meaning:
She never got the phone call from her sister saying her mother was dead.
which also means, she faked it.

It was all a desperate attempt to larikan diri.

She lied to us.
She pretended to be talking to her sister in front of my grandma,
and pretended to cry in front of all of us.

How could you pretend to cry and say your mother is dead just to be 'free'?

Can you imagine, she was crying and screaming while laying on the floor in front of my dad when she got "the news" from her "sister", and She was faking it.

that bloody bastard.

I don't know what happened to her after that and I don't give a damn.
biar Allah balas dia.

yang pasti, if you hurt my cat again, I'll break your arms, bury you alive and spit on your grave.

I'm dead serious.

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