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19 December, 2011

Oh god, results..

On the 22nd of December, I (or shall I say everyone born in the year 1996 in Malaysia) will be receiving one of the most important results in our life. Sure, its not the most important, but at the moment, it is very important.

I'm sure this is the situation everyone dreads:

The teacher calls out my name and I head to the front. I look at your result slip and see the "unfortunate" result I have received. I look back, I see all my friends smiling and laughing with their results. I look at my parents, but they already know. I cry and go green with envy. I question myself: "Why did I get this?" but in all reality, I already know the answer. My mum says that its ok. That everything is just fate. But I know it's not ok. She gave me everything, I gave her disappointment. My dad, he will either be telling me off "You've been slacking off! You didn't study enough!" or he will be silent to the extent where the silence  kills me inside. I know he's crying in his heart. I can see it. Because Nothing can hide disappointment.

I found this on facebook. credit to the person who took the liberty to share it with us.

Everyone will have a chance to  reach their dreams. And Eventhough I may have missed mine, there's such thing as second chances.

Let's all receive the best. InsyaAllah :)

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